Ways that Your Business Can Benefit from Keyless Locks

There is no doubt about it; keyless locks afford you a higher level of convenience and security. It can be a challenge trying to find what is going to be right for your commercial business in terms of security. Many would agree that your security begins with your choosing the right type of locks to have installed. You have to consider the security of your employees, information stored inside your business and the protection of your merchandise. This is a lot to consider and that is why our locksmiths at Hialeah Locksmith in Hialeah, FL, are called upon to assist when a business owner isn’t sure which direction to go. In terms of security, they know they can turn to a security firm but their budget may not allow them to take advantage of the security features offered, at this time. However, relying on the services of a locksmith can render a business, practical and affordable solutions for their security. Again, it all begins with the locks that are installed. With so many keyless options available to you and due to the many benefits of having this type of lock, we strongly recommend this type of lock to our customers. Below, we have broken down some of the benefits of having keyless locks installed.


Access Control

How You Benefit from Keyless Locks


  • Monitoring of who is on your property at any given time
  • A record of who was in and out of your business
  • Theft is minimized
  • Those in a management position or other employees in position of authority can be granted access into specific areas of your business
  • Employees can quickly and easily be added to your system and it will not affect any other employees ability to gain access
  • If an employee leaves, their key can be quickly de-activated, even remotely
  • There is no lost or stolen keys to worry about
  • No one can gain entry back inside your building if you do not want them to
  • You can get inside quickly as there are no keys that you’ll have to look for
  • A locksmith can develop a master fob key program so that you are able to keep up with who has which fob
  • Entry can be afforded to specific people at specific times and days
  • Temporary employees fob key can be programmed for them to only have access during specific times of the day and into specific areas of your business
  • After hours access can be denied to certain employees


Since locksmith companies are now able to install and program your keyless lock systems, we are often called upon to do so. Now that you can see some of the many advantages of having a keyless entry, you may be considering having them installed for your commercial business. However, it may help to convince you even further if you know the various types of keyless locks offered to you.


Types of Keyless Locks Offered


  1. Electronic Key Locks


  • Access can still be granted even during a power outage as there is usually a lock override feature
  • The code used to gain access can be changed quickly if compromised
  • We can program specific codes for the permanent employees and specific codes for temporary employees
  • It is battery operated, which means it can replaced easily
  • You can monitor who is coming and going
  • Can be monitored remotely


This is just the tip of the iceberg; there are so many benefits that this type of keyless locks offers to you that we can’t mention them all. Our associates are more than happy to discuss the various benefits offered to you, which might be of use to you.


  1. Electronic Keypad Lever Combo


  • No standard key necessary, only a fob key or code
  • The override feature will enable you to gain access even during a power outage
  • You can see who has been in and out of your business
  • You can monitor how long someone has been in your business
  • You can monitor when employees come and go
  • Codes can be changed remotely
  • Most are battery operated
  • Since some are offered without hard-wiring, it can be far less expensive than those that require hard-wiring
  • Can monitor your business remotely


This is another popular option that offers a little more functionality than the previous keyless lock. While they do have similar features, it may be a good idea to discuss the various features in detail with one of our knowledgeable associates so that you can make a well-informed decision about the ones you have installed.



  1. Keypad Devices

    Manual Keypad Locks


  • This lock offers both a deadbolt locking feature and knob
  • It is easy to program and to use
  • Codes are quickly and easily changed
  • There is a storeroom version, which locks the door immediately upon your exiting the area
  • It is the deadbolt version that will enable you to keep the door unlocked whenever you choose to
  • It doesn’t require batteries


Many homeowners find the practical value in using this type of lock. There used to be locks that were only used for commercial purposes that are now useful and affordable for home use also. When you consider the benefits, it isn’t hard to see why this is the case. The level of convenience alone is a good enough reason to get some people to invest in this type of system. No more waiting for someone to let you in who has a key, no need to hire someone to sign people in and out and the overall protection of knowing who is coming and going are all great reasons to consider the various types of commercial keyless locks offered today. While you used to only find them in government buildings, you now find them in more places than ever. There is a reason for this and now you can clearly see why. We’re happy to assist you further if this is something that you are considering. We can tell you for certain that it is well worth the investment.

What to do about a jammed safe

Keypad Devices

Do you need to access your home or business safe, but can’t? Don’t panic! Help is nearby and it doesn’t have to be expensive or hard to get. Safe cracking is easy and fast in the movies! It seems like every James Bond flick or crime show has a safe specialist in the cast that can quickly and easily turn the dial and open any safe and any time. If only it was that easy! If your safe is jammed and not responding to your attempts at opening it, read our Hialeah Locksmith post and you’ll know more than most what to do to get it open again with a minimum of expense or damage to the unit.

Don’t force it!

We are NOT kidding! It can frustrating to own a valuable piece of security equipment like a wall or floor safe and not be able to access its contents on demand. Here in Hialeah, FL we have tens of thousands of local businesses as well as a vibrant residential population. A huge number of these folks have and use safes to protect their valuables, cash, weapons and jewelry. Forcing your safe open is not the way to go. Your access problem is compounded by now adding damage to your safe and possibly to its contents, as well.

Are you in a hurry?

Sometimes you really do need to access your safe quickly. You might have cash in the safe and have a sudden need for it. It may be to pay a bill or for some kind of emergency like a funeral or to close a business deal. You might need important documents like a birth certificate or passport. You might even need a weapon or permit of some kind and have little to no notice. Hialeah Locksmith recommends that you stay calm, and call a professional.

Getting safe service

It’s not as simple as calling a safe shop. That action can even make the problem worse. Most safe shops simply sell the safe and maybe have it delivered. They don’t make them and they almost never service them. So what do they do? They simply call THEIR locksmith and add his bill to their own! While there’s nothing wrong with having a middleman, why pay for it when you don’t have to? You can bypass extra fees and even shave a few days of service time off by simply working with your own Hialeah, FL locksmith service.

Some safe shops want you to actually bring the safe to them. Forget that! Use a locksmith service that makes on-site mobile service calls and offers 24-hour emergency help, too. Here at Hialeah Locksmith we do both. On top of round the clock service and mobile convenience we offer free consultations, free price quotes and very affordable pricing.

Be organized

It helps to know as much about your safe as possible. You’ll need to describe it to whoever you call to repair it. All safes are not alike. Have the manufacturer’s name and the model number handy when calling. Keep track of sales receipts, repair bills and warranty papers, as well. You’ll need to be able to describe what’s wrong with your safe other than “it’s broken.” Is the combination dial not working? Are the hinges jammed? Did you forget the combination sequence or need it changed? Being specific at the beginning goes a long way towards getting you an accurate and reliable quote for getting it opened and/or repaired.

Commercial Locksmith

Electronic safes

When you call for professional safe unlocking or repair, the specialist will want to know if your model is electronic or not. Here in Hialeah, FL many safe owners have electronic safes and knowing the difference can result in a fluctuation in your quoted repair price. If you really don’t know; say so; your safe professional will be able to tell and to fix it either way. Electronic safes are also called digital safes and since they work off of a current, they are usually plugged in or have a lighted dial. Before calling for service, be sure to check and see if the power source is on and that the unit is connected. The trouble may also be a short in the electric circuitry of the safe. Unless you are experienced in electrical matters leave this part to the safe professionals that respond to you call.

Helpful tips

Is the safe really jammed or hard to open? Did you try the combination more than once? Maybe you forgot the sequence or that you had it changed already. Also, check and make sure that someone else in your home or business didn’t already change the number sequence and forgot to tell you. You can save yourself some time, and a possible service charge by covering all your bases before the locksmith in Hialeah gets there! Also, some electronic safes are designed to lock you out if too many wrong attempts at opening it are entered. This is similar to incorrectly entering your bank’s password when you try to log-in to your account. You may be locked out for 24-hours or more! It can be aggravating but actually the system is designed for your protection so that someone doesn’t try sequence after sequence in order to gain access to your safe’s contents.

Used safes

Many times, a used safe bought at auction or at an estate sale will be purchased sealed and with no combination. Hialeah Locksmith recommends that you call us for help opening it. Resist the temptation to force it open or to tinker with it. We can reset the combination for it or install a new lock on it so that you can access the contents and begin using it for your own valuables. Don’t forget; we offer affordable rates, free consultations and free price quotes along with fast response 24-hour emergency help. Treat your safe with care, regular maintenance and proper service and you can enjoy its use for many years to come!